Adrian Bodin

Hey, I'm Adrian!

.NET Developer student located in Skövde, Sweden.

Picture of me

My Projects

Time Reporting Software

Project built for internal time registration for companies. This project was started because i wanted to try new approaches to web development. I was interested in HTMX but found it pretty hard to work with sometimes, so i found Unpoly. Unpoly works similarly to HTMX where you return HTML from the server, but has more features and is more opinionated. I found it very pleasing to work with, but you have to shift mindset a bit compared to SPA or regular server side rendering

Technologies used:

  • ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Bootstrap
  • Unpoly
  • Bogus for demo data
  • PostgreSQL

Try a live demo at
Password: Admin123!


Project built with the idea of changing services with eachother. The project includes registration, login, and creating connections with other users. The API is integration tested using tools like WebApplictionFactory, Respawn, Testcontainers and xUnit. I am also using ASP.NET Core Identity Endpoints to scaffold authentication endpoints for the API, but with modifications.

Technologies used:

  • ASP.NET Core Web Api
  • NextJS/React, React Query, Zustand
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Azure Blob Storage


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About Me

Things i like:

  • Cars
    • I love to restore and fix up older japanese vehicles.
    • Have owned a 2016 Honda Civic Type-R with 400hp.
    • Have owned a 1995 Mitsubishi Evolution 3 with 350hp.
    • Currently owning a Honda Legend 1999 as my hobby project.
  • Split Keyboards
    • I like to tinker with split keyboards, changing layouts, macros and so on.
    • I use the Glove80 daily as my keyboard.
    • The layout for my Glove80 can be found Here.